On the Red Carpet for the 77th Venice International Film Festival


This September I took part in the 77th edition of the Venice International Film Festival, walking on the red carpet before the preview of the movie Arasinda.

Amazing picture by Michele Agostinis www.micheleagostinis.com



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An unbelievable life experience ❤️ More I could ever imagined. Life can be unpredictable, it’s up to us. Can you see my excitement? I can still feel it • Dress by: @sorelle_collezioniprivate Thanks to: @castellodimontepo, @hiltonvenice, @ipr_inspiringpeople, @1701franciacorta, @labiennale, @guggenheim_venice • • • Un’incredibile esperienza di vita ❤️ Più di quello che avrei potuto mai immaginare. La vita può essere imprevedibile, dipende da noi. Si vede la mia eccitazione? Io la sento ancora. • #camillabellini #designerlife #bloggerlife #thediaryofadesigner • #inspiringvenice #Venezia #veneziagram #Venezia77 #igersvenezia #veneziadavivere #inspiringvenice #beautifulmatters #serenissima #redcarpet #BiennaleCinema2020 #venicefilmfestival #mostradelcinemadivenezia #venicelido #filmfestival #labiennale

Un post condiviso da Camilla Bellini Design (@camilla.bellini) in data: 11 Set 2020 alle ore 11:35 PDT

Here is a press review that tells the reasons for my participation and the fundraising campaign in support of the Peggy Guggenheim in Venice.

Enjoy the reading!


Skytg24 also selected me among the best looks of Venice 2020:


In this video made by the Inspiring People Relations agency you can see the private tour of the Guggenheim in Venice:

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